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Card Captor Movies
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Here's some info about the Card Captor movies.


First Movie

The movie Cardcaptors
Sakura and her friends are one there greatest adventure yet! Sakura wins a trip to Hong Kong which is the place where Clow Reed, Kero, and Yue once lived and where the clow cards were created. There excitement fades when an ominous force calls out to Sakura in her dreams reminding her that Clow Reed's vengeful legacy lingers in the back alleys of Li's hometown. Now, for the first time, Sakura must call upon her cards in combat a true menace. If she fails, her family and friends will be trapped in a phantom world!

Second Movie

The Enchanted Card
4 months after Li went back to Hong Kong, Li and Meilin pop in for the festial in Reedington. Sakura now has the chance to tell Li how she feels about him but then the clow cards start to dissappear and mysterious things begin to happen.Until a force out of there control takes there friends and family away and it happens to be the hope card, the card Sakura created with her tears because Li left!!! And the only way to get things to normal again and to save everyone is to take Li's love for Sakura away from him before Sakura tells Li her feelings!!!What will she do?
